Please register with us online and then add the riders to your account.  Once registered we will then need to grade each rider online, based on the declaration of the riders’ ability on the rider form.  This grading will then tell our system which of our group sessions to show to you on your account, and will show with the rider’s initials in the box meaning it is suitable for that rider based on their age and ability.  The idea is that you won't be able to book into an unsuitable group lesson.  Any ability rider of any age can book a private session however.  You will then be able to see all our availability, book in and manage your bookings. 

For first time riders you can either book a lesson in a beginner group or a private lesson (select lesson type ‘general’).  For most young riders 30 mins private lesson will be sufficient.   A lesson will take place in one of our 2 arenas (one indoor, one outdoor).  60 mins should be the maximum time for a riding lesson in an arena.  For longer durations please book a hack (ride in the countryside).

Lunge lessons - this is where the instructor remains in control of the horse with a lunge line (rope) around a large 15m approx circle and the rider can practise balance and developing their riding.

General lesson - a lesson in the area with no specific type but will focus on the rider’s position and skills.

Dressage lesson - learning the dressage arena, use of the arena and the different shapes we ride and why.  We focus on the rider position and effectiveness of the aids and thinking about ‘training’ of the horse. The levels of dressage are: Intro, Preliminary, Novice, Elementary, Medium, Advanced Medium, Advanced, Prix St. Georges, Inter 1, Inter 2 and Grand Prix being the highest level.  We can teach the higher levels on our own competition dressage schoolmasters for advanced riders.

Jumping lesson - We bring in the poles and have a lesson over jumps.  Height of the jumps will depend on the rider’s ability (and the ability of the horse).

Hack - A ride in the countryside.

Stable Management lesson - this is unmounted and we will teach the rider how to groom, tack up, untack, and generally how to look after a ridden horse or pony.

Bottoms:  Jodphurs, breeches or riding tights/legging.  OR comfy jeans or leggings.

Tops: t-shirt or base layer plus a warmer layer on top such as a sweatshirt, gillet or jacket.  You may get warm as riding does increase your heart rate, you may start puffing and therefore you will be getting hotter as you ride for longer and may need to remove layers.  Please avoid hoodies as the hoods are seen  Preferred: Please bring a waterproof jacket in case your lesson is in our outdoor arena or if you are hacking.

Boots:Riding boots have a smooth sole and a small / low heel: short jodphurs boots or long riding boots.  In the absence of riding boots similar fashion boots will be fine, wellies are also ok but trainers are not advised because they have no heel and the foot can slip easily through the stirrups.

Riding hats:  It is always best to get your own riding hat professionally fitted with the latest safety standards.  We do have hats here you can borrow.  If you do borrow one of our hats please arrive a few mins earlier than your session and please do handle them with care.

Riding gloves: Riding gloves are always recommended with grips some also are warm and waterproof.  Or non-riding gloves will be fine to start with or no gloves. 

Yes by booking a private lesson and then add the riders onto the lesson which is the last step of the online booking form.  This is called a ‘semi-private’ lesson and gives a discount against each rider.  You would need to make sure that the other riders are already registered on your account or you can add friends if they are already riders on our system under another account.  Remember to use their email address which they had used to open an account with us and therefore already captured on our system not another email address.  The recipient will need to accept the request.  Please check spam and the correct email address is used.  Unfortunately currently there is no way to split the cost of the lesson between 2 accounts.

We recommend at least weekly lessons to progress, the more time in the saddle the quicker you will progress.  However many of our clients come every other week and sometimes less frequently so it’s totally up to you.

Hacking, or a hack is simply riding out in the countryside.  It is beneficial for riders to go hacking occasionally to improve the balance and seat riding across different terrains and getting used to controlling the ponies in different environments.

We allow friends and family of the riders to watch private lessons but we don’t allow spectators for group lessons as this can distract and put off the riders especially if they don’t know the spectators. 

We would only allow photography of private lessons and with the instructor's permission.  Please don't take photos of other people or videos of others riding without their written permission.  Please speak to us first if that is what you would like to do.

This is down to personal preference. It is fine to book a private lesson maybe if you want to get to know the instructors first and have a little one to one tuition before joining a group, but equally a lot of riders start immediately in groups.

Our group lessons are generally smaller than many other riding schools. We do recommend moving on to taking group lessons and then private lessons as required.  In group lessons you can learn a lot from seeing your peers going through the same exercises and it’s enjoyable to ride with others.  If you have a particular issue to work on then private lessons are useful.

For group lessons we do try to have the same instructor each time but may be subject to change for example in the event the instructor is on leave or unwell.

For private lessons we advise to book whoever is available and see how you get on with the instructor, you can always email Arabella at to ask about the instructors and which days they work.  

We also have a booking notes section you can ask for a particular instructor and we can try and accommodate your request.  

Remember it can also be beneficial to have different instructors, we all follow the same correct riding principles (along the British Horse Society standards) but you may get different perspectives which will help your understanding and riding.

We recommend talking to the instructor and asking for some progress notes to be added online if they are not already added.  You can also book in a private lesson which you can watch.  Usually the instructor will inform the rider or their parent if they are ready to move up into a more advanced group and we will update their records online.  Otherwise send us an email and we will provide feedback and add that to the riders’ notes online.

For the very young, our group lessons and activity days start at 5 years old.  For younger than 5 we recommend 3+ and have private lessons with a parent or guardian walking by their side as well as an experienced leader.  We recommend short 1/2 hour sessions for those under 5 years old.

For vulnerable people we suggest a guardian walk by their side plus our experienced leader and /or instructor.  

Please do talk to us in advance for any specific conditions your riders might have so we can be well prepared to give the best and most enjoyable session.